We Can Help You Resolve Feelings at the Root Cause of Any Issue. Here are some problems we've helped clients with. (Some required medical referral).
Alcohol cravings
Anger management
Bad habits
Body image
Career problems
Fearful children
Chronic Fatigue
Coping with illness
Difficult relatives
Divorce issues
Eating issues
Emotional challenge
Fear of failure
Finding lost objects
Food addictions
Food intolerances
Hating people/relatives
Hating school
Health worries
Hepatitis C
High blood pressure
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Job stress
Learning enhancement
Medication side effects
Manifesting money
Menstrual Issues
Money worries
Natural childbirth
Night terrors
Pain management
Panic attacks
Public speaking
Rape recovery
Relationship issues
Resentment release
School performance
Sexual abuse
Sexual issues
Sleep loss
Social anxiety
Social phobia
Stress management
Surgery prep
Troubled teens
Test anxiety
Victim of assault

Problems start with inner conflicts. Below are some issues our clients resolved by changing their beliefs. With break-through techniques like DNA ThetaHealing™ and Holographic Memory Resolution™ to trace the source of problems and change inner beliefs, you have an unbeatable combination for self-healing.
This music was inspired by HMR and performed by Marcie Downing: www.marciedowning.com
Can You Imagine.mp3
“I worry I have too many problems to resolve.”
“The pain never stops and I’m ready to give up.”
“I feel stupid in school.”
“I’m just not happy.”
“I don’t fit in.”
“I feel trapped.”
“I was raped.”
“I can’t speak up for myself.”
“I worry all the time.”
“I’m too anxious.”
“I can’t sleep.”
“I’m addicted to food.”
“My marriage is unhappy.”
“I’m sad a lot.”
“I can’t get things done.”
“I’m depressed.”
“I’m afraid I’ll never get well.”
“I’m angry too much.”
“I have problems at work.”
“I’m always late.”
“I always feel responsible.”
“I’m scared of flying.”
“I’m worried about all my health problems.”
“I have to fight to live my own life.”
“My father sexually abused me.”
“I feel like I’m invisible.”
“I’m terrified of being poor again.”
“I never knew my mother.”
“I feel disfigured by my surgery.”
“I haven’t slept well in 30 years.”
“I feel like being thin is being dead.”
“I was a victim of date-rape.”
“Taking my blood pressure makes me anxious.”
“I’m too tense.”
“I’m so sad all the time I don’t want to do anything.”
“I’ve been anxious all week.”
“I had a bully.”
“I can’t forget what happened.”
“I’m angry at her and can’t get over it.”
“I can’t trust good feelings.”
“I over-worry about my kids.”
“I still resent what my mother did.”
“I hate my job but I can’t leave.”
“I jump when the phone rings.”
“My best friend dumped me.”
“I hate my aunt but have to be nice.”
“I’m worried about winning my match.”
“I don’t want to disappoint my coach.”
“It’s hard to meet new people.”
“My cousin molested me.”
“I’m still very dependent on my parents.”
“I don’t promote myself.”
“I don’t always try.”
“I could never be that management person.”
“My mother controlled my life.”
“When he wouldn’t let go I was sure I’d be killed.”
“I have no passion about my work.”
“I never got encouragement as a child.”
“I have a strong fear of being hurt again.”
“Every girl I’ve met rejected me.”
“Relationships are meant for others, not me.”
“It feels hopeless.”
“Every time I try, it backfires.”
“I feel like a failure.”
“Because I’m sick, I’m not there for others.”
“Mom always made everything my fault.”
“I always procrastinate.”
“My first husband was abusive and I can’t trust men.”
“My wife was killed and I was blamed.”
“I’m at odds with my own potential.”
“I’m blocked.”
“My biggest hang-up is my appearance.”
“I’ve lost my sexual feelings.”
“At some point I learned to walk in my own shadow.”
“I drink because an unhealthy reward is better than none.”
“My back started hurting when I saw my daughter’s counselor.”
“I keep waking up during the night.”
“Talking to people freaks me out.”
“I’m uncomfortable around my stepfather.”
“My ex used to joke about my weight all the time.”
“I can’t look in a mirror—it’s too offensive.”
“It’s terrifying when men hit on me.”
“I never feel attractive.”
“I’ll never give another man a chance.”
“I’m guilty about being with a married man.”
“I’ve had to function in over-drive.”
“My brother killed himself.”
“I was attacked at work.”
“Dad never accepted me the way I am.”
“I’m not worthy of living on my own.”
“So much to do, not enough time.”
“I can’t make things happen.”
“I don’t want sex with my husband.”
“If I had a million bucks I’d leave him.”
“My husband’s negative about everything.”
“I’m lonely.”
“I can’t respect him if he isn’t working.”
“When I have to accomplish something, I panic.”
“I can’t get organized.”
“Mom told us life would be tough and miserable.”
“When clients refuse, I take it too personally.”
“I’m afraid of using the computer.”
“I could be a standout at work but I’m too afraid.”
“I’m ashamed of who I am.”
“I’m stuck in the middle.”
“I can’t be happy as a person.”
“I have a fear of not getting enough food.”
“I find I have to go shopping when I don’t need to.”
“I can’t make myself like him.”
“I feel like I’m being held down.”
“I hate my father.”
“I hate my mother.”
“I’m afraid to meet people.”
“Public speaking scares me to death.”
“My husband says he loves me but I know he doesn’t.”
“The supervisor asked me to sit on his lap.”
“My sister was abducted.”
“When I take tests, I freeze up.”
“I feel I need to eat all day long.”
“I struggle with being overweight.”
“My father-in-law says I’m no good as a father or husband.”
“My boss is greedy and I don’t like it.”
“I’m afraid of death because of what comes next.”
“I’m disconnected from myself.”
“I’m embarrassed by sexual matters.”
“I’m still angry at my best friend for what she did.”
“I’m just there collecting dust.”
“He can’t give and he won’t let me go.”
“I shouldn’t, but I feel exploited.”
“I have no self-confidence.”
“My mom died when I was young.”
“I’m not a good person.”
“I can’t be married again.”
“My kids hate me.”
“He nearly killed me.”
“I’m too afraid to go out at night.”
“I was adopted and never felt loved.”
“I found her in bed with another man.”
“What if I choke when I get up to sing?”
“I’m stressed out taking care of mom.”
“The bad things they said about me still hurt.”
“I don’t like being outside.”
“I’m afraid of flying.”
“I’m worried about choosing a career.”
“I keep putting off making client calls.”
“I’m afraid of germs.”
“I made my son afraid of all the things I fear.”
“I’m bothered by sunlight.”
“If I quit my job, it’ll kill my father.”
“It’s been 6 years since my accident and I’m still scared.”
“My step-father nearly killed my mom.”
“I can’t stop feeling guilty about what happened.”
“My right ear always hurts and there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“My back always bothers me.”
“I need to worry less about money.”
“I was scared to go to sleep last night.”
“My throat hurts sometimes and then it fades away.”
“My son killed himself and I couldn’t save him.”
“I’ve never been right since my auto accident 10 years ago.”
“My girlfriend broke up with me.”
“I feel powerless.”
“I’m annoyed by people’s body noises.”
“I’m afraid to go to school.”
“I feel humiliated.”
“I’m worried about my cancer surgery.”
“I’m scared about my interview.”
“I’m worried about the anniversary of my sister’s death.”
“I keep remembering being in a mental hospital.”
“I can’t control my daughter.”
“I’m tired all the time.”
“I’m confused and unhappy about my life.”
“I’m worried about my new job.”
“I had an argument with my boss.”
“I feel a sense of dread.”
“My mom tried to kill herself.”
“I was beaten for being stupid.”
“I’m afraid to let my guard down.”
“I’m scared I might have to go back to the hospital.”
“Arguing with my wife leaves me feeling desperate.”
“I feel closed off compared to other people.”
“Sometimes I feel like I want to hurt myself.”
“I’m nervous about my physical therapy appointment.”
“Working with men makes me nervous.”
“I can’t face dealing with my “ex” for four more years.”
“I have trouble valuing my time.”
“I’m going in all directions.”
“I feel responsible because I called the police on him.”
Your breakthrough to a happier future is just a phone call away: 847-577-3750.
Call me for a free phone consultation.